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Three Most Effective Methods to Remove Spray Tan

Spray Tan at lemon honey day spa

How To Remove A Blotchy Spray Tan

You finally got the beautiful bronze spray tan you’ve been wanting… only to realize the next day that it’s not as perfect as it seemed yesterday. *Face palm* followed by the question of “how to remove spray tan?”

Unfortunately, these things happen occasionally. Even if the spray tan is applied carefully and professionally, sometimes they can result in blotchy sections and not-so-pleasant tan lines that can ruin the entire look. 

Soap and water aren’t working. Crying certainly isn’t working. But as frustrating as this situation is, we do have some good news for you: there’s a simple solution – and everything you’ll need is probably already in arm’s reach!

So sit back and breathe, don’t panic, and take a few minutes to read through this article. If you’re ever staring in the mirror at a blotchy tan, don’t worry, here are three ways on how to remove a spray tan.

Baking Soda and Lemon Juice

For this natural remedy, you’ll want to combine a mixture of equal parts lemon juice and baking soda until a smooth paste is formed. Rub the mixture onto your skin and allow it to sit for about 5 minutes and then gently remove with a cleansing wipe. The acid in the lemon will strip the tan and baking soda is a natural exfoliant.

Use a gentle exfoliator

Use your favorite gentle exfoliator to target specific areas of the skin where you’d like to correct the uneven tan. Maybe certain areas aren’t as uneven as others – you can determine how much pressure to apply to the area depending on your desired look. 

Try hair removal cream

Apply your preferred hair removal cream to the area(s) that need correction. If you wish to completely remove the spray tan, you can leave the cream on your skin for 5 to 6 minutes. On the other hand, if you just want to lighten the area a bit, remove the cream with a cleansing wipe after roughly 2 to 3 minutes. 

Voila! See – that wasn’t so bad. Evening out that spray tan isn’t impossible. It just takes a little mixing, wiping, and a bit of patience to get the job done. We have many more tips & tricks on how to remove a spray tan! Have specific questions about your recent spray tan or how to remove a spray tan? Feel free to contact one of our professionals to address all of your concerns!

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