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Post Facial Do’s & Don’ts

Once you have invested in your skin by booking one of our top-notch facials, there are a few guidelines to follow in order to achieve results that last beyond the expected five to seven days.

Keep Hydrated. This helps to flush out toxins and leaves you with a glow. Your skin cells will thank you by functioning more effectively, eliminating toxins, absorbing nutrients, and retaining your post-facial radiance.
Exfoliate Weekly. Not immediately after your facial (ouch!), but as an added step to your weekly routine. This will help keep you soft, smooth, and prevent build up that dulls your skin. Ideally, wait two to three days after your facial to exfoliate.
Use a Vitamin C Serum. Environmental factors can add to dullness, dehydration, and the development of fine lines and wrinkles. To protect your facial results, add a Vitamin C Serum to your skincare regime.
Listen to your Esthetician. They know their business and have listened to your concerns and goals. When you follow their advice, you can do wonders for maintaining your skin’s health until your next appointment.
Book your Next Appointment. To achieve your best results, pair at-home products with in-spa treatments. Most estheticians recommend booking facials between four and six weeks apart to take advantage of the skin’s natural turnover cycle. At minimum, quarterly appointments can address specific needs that each season change brings.
Visit the Steam Room. Your skin has already been exposed to plenty of steam during your treatment, don’t risk irritation or broken capillaries. Likewise, getting a workout in is another no-go due to adding heat and sweat.
Wax, Shave, or have Laser Hair Removal (on your face). They just don’t mix. Most facials involve deep exfoliation with professional peels to shed old skin cells and bring new cells to the surface. Your risk burning these new cells and ruining your fresh complexion. We suggest you wait 24-48 hours before OR after your facial treatment.
Sunbathe. You should always be protecting your skin from the sun EVERY day, but it is especially true after a facial. Since you have new skin cells on the surface, they are very vulnerable and may easily burn. Please wear sunscreen with an SPF 30 or higher every day to minimize potential damage.
Pick at your Skin. Every time you squeeze or touch a blemish, you risk spreading bacteria and scarring your complexion. Hands off.
Use At-Home Peels or Retinol. Give your skin a week to heal before using at-home peels or retinol-based products. Potentially skin-irritating products may do more damage than good when your skin is this sensitive.
When was the last time you’ve had a facial? We recommend monthly facials for optimum results but every change of season is the next best choice. Spring skin always needs an adjustment after the cool winter season. We invite you to freshen up at either of our Lemon & Honey Day Spa locations!

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